How to Answer ‘What Are Your Salary Expectations’ Question

How To Answer what Are Your Salary Expectations?

Keep your tone positive and make it clear that the salary is only part of what you’re seeking. Mention the opportunity the job itself brings, the potential for expanding your skills, and why you feel like you’d be a great choice for the company. Experts generally say to avoid stating your salary expectations first.

How To Answer what Are Your Salary Expectations?

When an interviewer asks about these questions that time their best approach to answer the questions of salary in an interview is never to be straight or precise. Before your interview, look into how much money you personally need depending on your current expenses and future goals. For example, if the job will require you to add a new expense like child care or taking the train into work everyday, you’re going to need a pretty significant budget shift. Similarly, if you’d need to relocate for the job, factor in moving expenses and the new cost of living in that area.

Common Questions

With these scripts, you’ll know exactly what to say when asked for your salary expectations. The information used is largely self-reported by the people using the service . Since they cannot verify each individual’s salary or benefits, consider this salary data to be estimated rather than exact.

  • You can use sites like Glassdoor,, Payscale,, and Indeed to find salary averages and estimates.
  • The range strategy works especially well in the initial application phase, particularly if you’re unsure about typical compensation or the role’s responsibilities.
  • When an interviewer asks you about your salary expectations, do you have a good answer?
  • The most important thing to remember is not to let it shake you.
  • There are a number of reasons why this question may not be so straightforward for many candidates.

Nor should you expect the same compensation if you’re switching industries (e.g., from B2B tech to a non-profit). Always base your expectations on the industry, company size, location, and your skills, relevant experience, and qualifications. Then, when they decide to offer you the position, you can discuss salary and bonuses with them knowing they are interested in hiring you and are likely to meet some of your demands if they’re reasonable.

How to handle paper and online job applications

This is a good option if you feel you were highly-paid or fairly-paid in your most recent role. You can leave the desired salary field blank, write “negotiable,” or put “999” or “000” if a number is required to submit the online application. If you said $40,000 on the job application form, you’re going to have a difficult time getting $50,000 at the end of the process. And if you provide a desired salary that’s too low, it can cripple your ability to negotiate later. Whereas if you spoke with them and did a great job impressing them with your interview answers and interview skills, maybe they would have been able to stretch their budget to give you that number. For instance, if you’re working for public service or a university, they may have strict and transparent salary ranges, though you can still make your case to start at the upper band of the salary scale. Let them know that you have a good idea of what other people in a similar role are getting, but ask for more detail about their position.

If you’re entering one of those industries, it’s best not to negotiate! However, you should still come into the interview knowing the salary range for the position and having a clear sense of what to expect if you’re offered the job. When an interviewer asks about salary expectations, they want to see the value you place on yourself. Can your skills and experiences be quantitatively measured and valued? The salary figure you quote during this discussion will provide the answer. Many times, career professionals will focus only on the number they are making and dwell on that number rather than looking to what the fair market value is paying.

  • If the interviewer gives you a number or range in line with what you expected or higher, great!
  • Look at the range, and take into consideration your years of experience and location to make sure you are using the most relevant comparisons.
  • Search the job title of the role you want online along with your geographical area .
  • “Given the responsibilities of the position and the number of people I’d be managing, I think $XX is a fair figure. It’s an exciting opportunity, and I truly believe I’m the person for the job.”
  • After researching reasonable salaries, consider giving a salary range rather than a specific number.
  • One of the most common mistakes is to believe that you have to accept the first number that is offered in a negotiation for fear that the possibility of getting the job you want will go away.
  • Looking for a new job or thinking about a career change?

That’ll depend on how much you want the job, how much the pay matters to you and how much leverage you have at that point in the hiring process. If you’re reasonable with your requests, don’t be afraid to open up the discussion. In any of these cases, deflection on this particular question can be your best bet. However, you will be in a much better position if you can deflect until they already love you and you have more leverage to negotiate. At the same time, you’re giving them an opportunity to earn your respect by making a fair offer. By doing this, you’re tactfully letting them know you’re not desperate and expect to be compensated appropriately for your time and talent. The question can come up early on as part of the screening process or can pop up later after you’ve answered a few of the behavioral, skill, or background questions.

And if you provide a desired salary that’s too low, it can cripple your ability to negotiate later.

The most strategic approach is to delay the salary discussion. Depending on the specific requirements of the application, your options for avoiding it may vary. Familiarize yourself with these three answer options so that you’re ready to tackle this question in your next job application. If you’re unsure how to answer, “What are your salary expectations?

How To Answer what Are Your Salary Expectations?

Recruiters might also ask this question to gauge whether you have done your research and know your value. The easiest way to feel confident when revealing your salary expectations during the interview process is to walk in prepared. Know the figure you want, as well as how much you’d be willing to negotiate, before the interview starts.

Highlight your skills

Don’t be tentative, or offer the range in the form of a question. Then, immediately shift the conversation back to the skills and value you will bring to the role. If you decide to share a range for desired salary in the interview, always make it a broad range, like $40,000-60,000. Maybe you’ve gone on a few interviews and they waited until now to ask about desired salary. If you feel you were not well-paid in your last role and don’t want to be held back by that salary, you can respond like this. It’s also possible to answer questions about desired salary without revealing your last salary, either. One tactic you can use is to share your most recent salary instead.

  • I would, of course, like to be compensated fairly for my decade of experience and award-winning sales record.
  • So, before going for an interview it’s vital to do your homework and establish your worth in the current marketplace.
  • And if they won’t share a range, then it’s clear they’re simply trying to gain information to benefit them during your salary negotiation later on.
  • Being fully prepared for the interview process means knowing what questions to anticipate.
  • On the flip side, when asked about your salary expectations, only give a number or range that you’d truly be happy with.
  • By the 2nd or 3rd interview, you and the employer will likely be clear on what you’re seeking.

Flexibility is something most employers appreciate and it leaves room for adjustment. You and the recruiter can negotiate to reach a number that both of you can agree on. Since you’re applying for a position, it’s important to know how to put a value on your skills and experience. When discussing compensation expectations, there are strategies to help you provide a fair price for you that is within the employer’s budget. Use this guide to explore why employers ask salary expectation questions, how to answer them, and tips to keep in mind when providing salary expectations. Whether you have to share your salary expectations when submitting an application, in a first round interview, or later in the hiring process, it’s usually something that gives many people a lot ofanxiety. The hiring team may decide not to pursue your application.

What is Your Salary Expectations Best Answer

Lying is a good way to get screened out of the hiring process. After researching reasonable salaries, consider giving a salary range rather than a specific number. If the asking salary is higher than the other candidates, there is a chance that person is too qualified for the position, and they would need to go with someone else.

Every time I’ve seen this, it’s usually a rogue recruiter who has created their own policy to ask for this sort of documentation to give them a better shot at getting your current salary or desired salary. The company itself may not make it a habit of asking for this information, but some recruiters take the idea of getting salary information How To Answer what Are Your Salary Expectations? further than others. Sometimes, the online application won’t actually verify that you entered an answer to the salary questions, and you can submit it with blank answers. They claim they need to qualify you for a salary range, but they are also asking you to give up one of your precious pieces of information to do that.

Example Answer #2: Starting Negotiations with a Range

My strategies enabled me to acquire hefty salary increases at subsequent roles and even during performance reviews. I have since leveraged that experience and skill set in job search strategy sessions with career coaching and resume clients, which have included a payoff to many in the form of $20,000 or more. It’s problematic to declare your salary expectations early in the interview process because you don’t know enough about the job, the company, and the available perks to pick a salary. But even if you already shared an expected salary, there are still ways to negotiate and improve your job offer.

  • Tell them one or two things about the job that excite you.
  • Use this guide to prepare well for your job interview and answer the salary expectation question in the best way.
  • No matter how great the job interview goes, an interview question about your salary expectations can stop you short.
  • Since you never want to discuss salary expectation questions without doing marketing research first, where do you start with your preparation?
  • You want to work with a company that is providing good befits and perks if the company is not providing you benefits package which you expect as per company standard, then don’t work with that company.
  • The views expressed on this blog are those of the bloggers, and not necessarily those of Intuit.

If an employer won’t increase your starting salary, they might be able to boost other forms of compensation. Plan to ask for at least 4% more than your current salary. Think of your current salary as a base to build from—in any new position, you should get a pay increase.

That is the acceptable increase for an experienced profile. Since you never want to discuss salary expectation questions without doing marketing research first, where do you start with your preparation? “What are your salary expectations?” Not exactly anyone’s favorite question. But by upping your salary negotiation skills, you’ve got the answer on lockdown. Once you have a confirmed offer, feel free to negotiate a salary that matches your skills and experience level.

If you can’t seem to get the recruiter or hiring manager off the topic of salary, the next best strategy is to get them to name their range first. Almost all companies identify a salary range for each role, and usually, the hiring manager has some leeway to go to the top of the range if they find the perfect candidate. Some applications may require an answer in the form of a range or they may not accept “000” or “999.” If this is the case, your last option is to identify a desired range. It’s important to do some research about salaries for your position and location and to list a range based on the current market value. Start by looking up the median salary for the position and don’t forget to compare it against competitive salaries in your area to determine a reasonable range.

It isn’t easy to know what to say and what not to say while maximizing your chances of receiving a job offer. Companies like to see whether your expectations for the role’s compensation line up with what they had in mind. After all, they’re following a budget and don’t want to waste your time or theirs during a lengthy interview process if your salary expectations don’t match. Salary discussions can come up before, during, or after a job interview. Once you know the average salary range for a position, consider padding your expectations. In most cases, employers are going to start you off at the lower end of the amount you provide. By aiming higher, you can make sure that, even if they offer the lowest number, you’ll still be making your target number.

If you give a salary requirement that’s lower than what a prospective employer is willing to pay you, you could cheat yourself out of more money and come off as unprepared. Think back on the interview process when considering what information to use when explaining why you deserve more. Salary negotiations are rarely comfortable, but your starting salary affects the trajectory of your earnings for years to come, so it’s worth a bit of awkwardness. Employers will often tell you where to mention your salary requirements and history — they’re usually included in your cover letter, in the application, or during an interview.

Additionally, delaying salary discussions in an interview should help you successfully negotiate a better salary once you get an offer. If you haven’t had the time to figure out how to answer, “What are your salary expectations? You can tell the recruiter that while salary is important, you want to focus on the job prospects, company culture, career growth/path for now. This is better employed for the first round of the interview process. If you’re close to the end, you should be ready to quote something.

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