Halo Board Rules

Halo Board Rules

Halo Board Rules – 5 Things NOT To Do On A Halo Board – Today, we’re gonna be doing is talking about the five things you shouldn’t Do on your, one thing you should do is ride them right in the water. So,  basically, as I said, really shouldn’t because when you ride in water on the electric stapler, let’s just say,  with the hammer board.

Halo Board Rules

Best Seller

Halo Board Beast
Halo Board Beast
Price: $1,297.00
Ranked Best Electric Skateboard 2021, Electric Skateboard Beast Edition, This board is very fun to ride, and it’s powerful! I purchased the board during quarantine and I didn’t know anything about skateboarding/longboarding. After a couple of trips, I got the hang of it, and I can’t imagine going out without it.

1. Never ride over the water

Okay, the Halo board when you ride the water, it’s gonna mess up the wheels, even though, it says wire resistant. It’s pretty wire resistant, I mean the board’s not gonna stop or anything, or spaz out, or kill you, or electrocute, but over time after using water, it’s gonna start to light, like hurt the motors, a little bit.

These two motors no water. Okay, there’s no water. They’ll hurt the wheels, and you’ll have to go buy new wheels even though it says it’s waterproof. or water-resistant. So, I forget exactly how the wire wasn’t, it is.

Halo Board Rules

2. Never ride off-road

So, number two never ride off. I mean you guys already know, that I actually wrote about frog once and the grass. And you know, I went, but you don’t want to do that. I did it because don’t ride off, if you ride off-road, it’s gonna overheat the motors, and that’s just not good.

The motors are in the wheels, remember that. So, you don’t want to do too much damage to the wheel,  like I said, don’t put them in water.

The number three, don’t try the fourth thing. Really should do is try the damage, or skip boring anyway,  what I mean by that is, don’t throw your skateboard like my skateboards, made a carbon fiber stronger than your skateboard. Don’t do that, don’t try to impress your friends like me.

For example, I tried to impress my friends the whole with my S7. I put it in the water, and I had to let it dry before I could charge. It was on 5%, just don’t risk it. I mean, it wasn’t super bad, just don’t do it.

Watch the video for full details.

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