Halo Electric Longboard Review

Halo Electric Longboard Review

Halo Electric Longboard Review – we are here in Portland’s waterfront park checking out the halo board carbon edition. It is an awesome electronic longboard. You may not have heard about it, but it is definitely one of the best boards that I have ever had the pleasure of riding.

Halo Electric Longboard Review
Motor3200 WattRangeUp to 25 Miles
Top Speed26 MPHWeight23 lbs
Open For Full Specifications

Halo Electric Longboard Review

Let’s check it out, so it sets this board apart from a lot of the other longboards that I’ve tried is. First of all, the fact that it is made out of carbon fiber instead of wood. The great thing about having these, really smooth hub motors is the fact that not only can push. It really easily when it’s unpowered, but also when you’re riding it, and it is powered.

And you let off the throttle, there’s not much of a jarring effect. It’s very smooth and you can coast really easily. So, it’s a really smooth ride that this provides as far as range goes, you can get 14 miles on a single charge with this thing. And when it’s done, it takes about three hours to recharge the battery.

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Halo Board Beast
Halo Board Beast
Price: $1,797.00 $1,297.00
Ranked Best Electric Skateboard 2021, Electric Skateboard Beast Edition, This board is very fun to ride, and it’s powerful! I purchased the board during quarantine and I didn’t know anything about skateboarding/longboarding. After a couple of trips, I got the hang of it, and I can’t imagine going out without it.

Halo Board Negative Thought

Unfortunately, it doesn’t have a swappable battery system. So, that means, that you’re not gonna be able to just like, you know pop in a new one, and keep riding. You’re gonna have to go back to the wall, and charge it back up. But the good news is, it because has a little rolling resistance, you can still just push it around like a normal skateboard when it’s dead.

Final Words

So, one thing that I will say I don’t like about this board is the controller. It feels a little flimsy in your hands, and it’s kind of touchy. You do have to learn a little bit about how to ride it. It’s like anything else got a bit of a learning curve, but that said, that’s really the only thing I didn’t like about this board.

Almost everything else is awesome rides, really smoothly. It’s really reliable under your feet, and it’s just a really good commuter board. It’s a nice 36 inches long, fairly lightweight for the size and range that you get out of it.

So, it’s pretty easy to take on a bus, or a train, and use it as a commuting tool. The other great thing about this board is that despite the fact that it is a really well-performing board. It’s also cheaper than a lot of the big-name electric longboards that you’ll find out of there. If you’re in the market for an electric longboard, this should definitely be one that’s on your list.

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