Lamborghini Hoverboard Review

Lamborghini Hoverboard Review/Unboxing

Lamborghini Hoverboard Review – What’s up guys? I just got my new Lamborghini hoverboard. I actually got the carbon-fiber one, so we’re gonna do a first impression unboxing and check this thing. They packaged it really nicely, and it just folds up like this, and you got your little Lamborghini handy book.

Lamborghini Hoverboard Review

How to book, got your little pack for your battery charger, what you actually have in the house, because I charge this already. This is the tricky part is getting it actually. I’m trying to do this, three or four different colors, yellow carbon fiber.

Lamborghini Hoverboard Review

You’re gonna hoverboard. We got some nice big tires, and I actually have a little Lambo here. I like the fact that it has handles on the sides, you can pick it up, cause this thing it’s freakin heavy, but has little light sensors to tell you if the battery’s charged or not, and it even has the Lambo headlights and taillights.

Check out those rims. Nice rolling in style, let me show you that, so here’s the app for the hoverboard. It’s called Glide board course, but as you can see, we have a nice little speedometer, and then we also have where you can turn the lights on and off right there, and then it also has a horn option, and then you have this awesome little setting dial-up here, where you can change a bunch of the settings.

Lamborghini Hoverboard Review

You can change the speed, you can change the driving force, and the sensitivity one, steering actually has different modes. So, it had ear mold, normal mode, which would be sport, and Corsa, which is an advanced mode.

We’re gonna turn this hoverboard on, and see what it does. It’s supposed to make a Lamborghini sound, just going to hold this down, and start this baby up, and it is a self-balancing hoverboard. So, it should straighten out when we turn it on. That was pretty cool. Alright, so we’re gonna hop on this thing and hopefully, I don’t fall.

Okay, we’re on, we’re okay, this thing is super responsive. I have ride two other hoverboards before, I’m not like a pro, but I do have experience. You can see the headlights got the Lamborghini Aventador. Our headlights in the front, and if you’ve ever ridden a resort, or economy, forward to go straight slightly backward, fell backward, and then turn, you just a little bit, when you do a first get your hoverboard,  and a lot of hoverboards are like this.

Lamborghini Hoverboard Review

You’re gonna want to calibrate it. The way this one is supposed to be calibrated is, you’re supposed to set it down on a flat surface, just the middle without the tires touching, make sure this is all straight, and you’re gonna want to press the on button, and hold it down until the lights start flashing.

So, now our lights are flashing, and we can turn it back off, and then when you turn it back on, you’re gonna want to set it on the ground. And then, it should be recalibrated.

Glyboard Corse Hoverboard 8.5″

Glyboard Corse Hoverboard 8.5
TwoDots Glyboard Corse Hoverboard 8.5″ Off-Road Hoverboard
Price: $329.00
TwoDots Glyboard Corse Hoverboard 8.5″ Off-Road Hoverboard with Bluetooth Speaker & App & LED Lights. It is designed for Powerful Performance with Safe Stop Technology. Two dots Hoverboard has 8.5″ alloy wheels and unique style rims, ABS body, Chassis, and Solid Rubber Tires to enhance the overall user’s Riding Experience.


Lamborghini Hoverboard Review – Now, just to show you how the speedometer works. We’re gonna get on our hoverboard, as you can see,  our dial is moving up, this thing actually rides through the crash, really good. There is another Lamborghini hoverboard, but it’s mainly for roads. This one is the off-roading one, so you can go off-roading in it, and it actually speeds through the grass no problem at all, have Bluetooth, so you can play music on it.  I’m going to turn Pandora on, so that is my first impression of the Lamborghini hoverboard.

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